Course composition

1. Nuclear engineering core courses

To impart a panoramic understanding of people and society integrated with the basics of nuclear energy. Semi- compulsory courses offered every year, usually for first year students on the Master's program. (Open to students who are not in their first year of the Master's program. Below are courses offered for the academic year 2012.)

  • 原子力物理E Nuclear Reactor Theory and Radiation Physics
  • 原子炉工学E Nuclear Thermal-hydraulics and Structural Mechanics
  • エネルギーシステム概論E Overview of Energy Systems
  • 社会科学基礎E § Social Science Essentials
  • 原子力化学E Chemistry in Nuclear Engineering
  • 放射線生物E Radiation Biology
  • 原子核基礎E Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics

2. Specialist foundation courses

Teaches the knowledge and systematic way of thinking indispensable for specialist nuclear energy fields. Elective courses offered every year, normally for students on the Master's program. (Open to all Doctoral students. Below are courses offered for the academic year 2012.)

  • 原子力安全学E Nuclear Safety Engineering
  • システム保全学E § Maintenance Engineering in Complex Systems
  • 放射線安全学E Radiation Safety
  • 原子炉燃料工学E Nuclear Fuel Engineering
  • 核不拡散・核セキュリティE Nuclear Nonproliferation and Security
  • 原子力プラント学E Nuclear Plant Engineering
  • 放射線応用工学E Applied Radiation Engineering
  • 放射線廃棄物工学E Management of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste

3. Advanced courses

Comprehensive theme-based courses designed to give cutting-edge specialist knowledge on nuclear energy. Includes courses held in collaboration with other departments and schools. Elective courses normally offered every other year. (Below are courses offered for the academic year 2012.)

  • レーザー・光量子科学特論E Advanced Laser and Photon Science
  • 放射線計測学特論E Advanced Radiation Measurements
  • 量子ビーム発生工学特論E Quantum Beam Engineering
  • 放射線利用特論E Advanced Radiation Application
  • 廃止措置特論E Special Lecture on Decommissioning and Dismantling
  • エネルギーシステム特論E § Energy Systems Analysis
  • 次世代核エネルギーシステム特論E Advanced Lecture on Next Generation Nuclear Energy Systems
  • シビアアクシデント特論E Severe Accident (Advanced)
  • シミュレーション科学特論E § Advanced Lecture on Simulation Science
  • 核燃料リサイクル特論E Advanced Lecture on Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  • 科学技術社会特論2 ∗ § Technology and Social Science 2
  • 原子力リスク特論E Nuclear Risk Management

4. Course seminars/exercises/labs

Designed to give a broad, interdisciplinary perspective and extensive experience through course seminars (English presentations and Q&A) and Master's course exercises (project-based exercises with several laboratories). Also designed to develop an active approach in an international setting and the ability to put specialist knowledge into practice through hands-on experience overseas (IAEA, etc.), domestic (JAEA, etc.) internships and lab courses. (Below are related courses for the academic year 2012.)

  • 原子力工学修士輪講I~IV E Nuclear Engineering Master’s Course Seminar 1~4
  • 原子力工学博士輪講I~VI E Nuclear Engineering Doctoral Course Seminar 1~6
  • 原子力工学修士演習I~III E Nuclear Engineering Master’s Course Exercise 1~3
  • 量子ビーム実習 Quantum Beam Laboratory
  • 原子力工学特別実施演習第一・第二 Nuclear Engineering Workshop I,II
  • 原子力工学特別演習第一・第二 Nuclear Engineering Workshop I,II
  • 先進原子力特別講義第3 Advanced Nuclear Engineering Seminar 3
  • 原子力工学博士演習I~Ⅵ E Nuclear Engineering Doctoral Course Exercise 1~6
  • 原子力国際コロキウム1E,3E Colloquiums on Nuclear Engineering and Management I,III

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