【Awards and Commendations】 Dong Feiyang (M1), Demachi labo, received “Excellence Award” at 17th Conference of Japan Society of Maintenology, Student Session,
8th July, 2021
1. Name
Dong Feiyang
2. Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
Graduate School, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, M1
3.Name of award and short explanation about the award
17th Conference of Japan Society of Maintenology, Student Session, “Excellence Award”
4.About awarded research
Title: 「Integrating deep learning-based object detection and optical character recognition for automatic extraction of link information from piping and instrumentation diagrams」
Summary: By combining the image recognition deep learning model and OCR, a method has been developed to detect the correlation between multiple piping system diagrams and measurement system diagrams of a plant. In addition, the sliding window method was applied to improve the image resolution.
5.Your impression & future plan
My goal is to develop an integrated detection system for nuclear security of nuclear facilities by fusing different types of AI such as image recognition, anomaly detection, and natural language processing.