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  • 【Awards an】Yosuke NISHIMURA, Okamoto Labo (D1) “Special Poster Award for Experiment” at Atomic Energy Society of Japan




【Awards an】Yosuke NISHIMURA, Okamoto Labo (D1) “Special Poster Award for Experiment” at Atomic Energy Society of Japan

Yosuke NISHIMURA, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, D1, received “Special Poster Award for Experiment” at Atomic Energy Society of Japan on September 8,2022.

〈About awarded research〉

Title: Investigation of SiC Matrix Fuel Compact Oxidation Behavior under HTGR Air Ingress Accident

I have been conducting a research on the project to enhance the power and safety in future High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR). For that purpose, we proposed a new design, SiC matrix fuel compact.  We performed SiC oxidation experiment under extreme condition to observe the oxidation behavior that probably realize in HTGR air ingress accident. As a result, we obtained the feasibility of SiC matrix fuel compact in accidental HTGR. In addition, we found an useful empirical equation to describe the SiC oxidation behavior that occurs under conditions for interest of HTGR. We partly concluded that proposed SiC matrix fuel compact can increase the power output and improve the safety feature of HTGR fuels compared to current HTGR design


〈Your impression & future plan〉

I am so happy to receive such an honor award. I really appreciate it. I would like to give my best gratitude to my professor Koji Okamoto, Shuichiro Miwa at The University of Tokyo, Anna Gubarevich and Katsumi Yoshida at Tokyo Institute of Technology. I will continuously contribute to my research. I would like to show more achievements and progress in the future. Thank you.



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