高畑 和弥
■学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年
工学系研究科原子力国際専攻 博士後期課程1年
Kazuya Takabatake
■Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
PhD student, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management
School of Engineering
■Name of award and short explanation about the award
Presentation Award
■About awarded research
In pharmaceutical and food industries, non-spherical granulated particles whose density is relatively low are frequently used. From a view point of calculation cost, the calculation of a large-scale problem was substantially impossible by using the existing methods. For the quality control and the optimization of industrial process, it was desired to develop a new calculation model of non-spherical particle system which is applicable to a large-scale problem. In this study, we developed a new rolling friction model in DEM. Besides, we coupled the rolling friction model with DEM coarse grain model for a large-scale system. Through some verification tests, the adequacy of our new model and its applicability to DEM coarse grain model were both proved. We succeeded to establish the new calculation model of a large-scale non-spherical particle system.
■Your impression & future plan
It’s my great pleasure to win this award. I really thank Prof. Mikio Sakai for his excellent supervision, and also all members of my laboratory. I will try to improve our researches.