Application for laboratory on “Open campus for parents and family 2021”
The research activities of our department students will be introduced online.
① 14: 30-14: 50 Greetings, explanation of NEMS
② 14: 50-15: 20 Explanation of research life by current students
③ 15: 20-15: 30 Online laboratory tour
Four students will explain their current life: the environment for taking lectures, research activities, research contents, study abroad, employment, scholarships, etc. .
You can also visit your desired laboratory online. It is also possible to contact your own children and visit their laboratory together.
If you would like to participate in our department’s online laboratory tour, please fill out the form below by Tuesday, November 30th.
In addition to this, please also register for participation on the Graduate School of Engineering website (https://forms.gle/L4SATQTYGXhNqPde9).
E-mail: oc2021 [at] n.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp ← Please replace [at] with @