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  • 【Awards and Commendations】西村洋亮, Okamoto lab, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, (D2), received “ 奨励賞” at 関東・甲越支部第16回学生研究発表会, Atomic Energy Society of JAPAN




【Awards and Commendations】西村洋亮, Okamoto lab, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, (D2), received “ 奨励賞” at 関東・甲越支部第16回学生研究発表会, Atomic Energy Society of JAPAN

On 28th February  2023, 西村洋亮, Okamoto lab, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, (D2), received  “ 奨励賞”  at  Atomic Energy Society of JAPAN.


〈Name of award and short explanation about the award〉


This award is given to students at 関東・甲越支部第16回学生研究発表会, Atomic Energy Society of JAPAN.


〈About awarded research〉


We have made great contributions to develop a “sleeveless fuel compact with SiC matrix” which demonstrates better fuel performance during air ingress accident for High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR). We hope that this brand-new fuel design is widely accepted as an innovative technology for future R&D of HTGRs.


〈Your impression & future plan〉

I would like to show my best gratitude to my Prof. Koji Okamoto, Miwa, Anna and Yoshida. Also, I would like to give my great thanks to Dr. Sharma for his contribution to our work. He is my co-researcher and best friend.



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