【Awards and Commendations】 Shuo LI, Sakai Group, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, (Project Assistant Professor), received “Best Presentation Award” at the 4th International Powder Technology Conference and Exhibition Indonesia 2023 (ICePTi 2023)
On Date/Month/Year, Name Shuo LI, Sakai Group, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management, (Project Assistant Professor), received “Best Presentation Award” at the 4th International Powder Technology Conference and Exhibition Indonesia 2023 (ICePTi 2023).
〈Name of award and short explanation about the award〉
Best presentation Award
〈About awarded research〉
Multiphase flows including solid particles are widely encountered in industry. Understanding the behavior of the multiphase flows is essential for engineers and researchers to design equipment and optimize operating conditions. In recent years, advances in computational hardware have led to the proposal of various modeling methods to simulate the multiphase flows including solid particles. Specifically, the two-fluid model (TFM) and the discrete-element method coupled with the computational fluid dynamics (DEM–CFD) are two established methods. Although some pioneer studies are conducted to compare the simulation results in typical granular systems, the accuracy of DEM–CFD simulation against TFM is unclear and remains scientifically unambiguous. To address this issue, in this study, a series of modal analyses are performed. Our results show that the DEM–CFD simulation is more accurate than the TFM. Further quantitative comparisons reveal that the DEM–CFD can capture more detailed coherent structures of complex gas–solid flows. This study provides novel insights for further understanding of the complex phenomena of the multiphase flows.
〈Your impression & future plan〉
I would like to thank every member in our Lab. for their support, especially Prof. Sakai. I will continue to dedicate myself to our research endeavors.